Clive Wearing


Psychology (Biological Level Of Analysis) Mind Map on Clive Wearing, created by leonie1997 on 04/20/2014.
Mind Map by leonie1997, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by leonie1997 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Clive Wearing
  1. Contracted brain infection herpes encephalitis, Effecting parts of his brain concerned with memory.
    1. Left with a memory span of only seconds.
    2. Suffers from most extensive amnesia ever seen.
      1. MRI scanning of his brain showed damage to the hippocampus and frontal regions
        1. His case provides insight into the biological foundation of different memory systems.
          1. Fact he can still remember how to play piano and conduct an orchestra is evidence of a distributed memory system. His emotional memory is also still intact.
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