

Mind Map on Asbestos, created by lpwhitaker88 on 04/21/2014.
Mind Map by lpwhitaker88, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lpwhitaker88 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. White (Chrysotile)
    1. Wavy fibres, like cotton wool
      1. banned in 1999
    2. Brown (Amosite)
      1. use and importation banned in 1985
        1. most brittle type
        2. Blue (Crocidolite)
          1. Needle like fibres
            1. use and importation banned in 1985
          2. Health effects
            1. Asbestosis
              1. Slowly progressive and incapacitating
              2. Lung cancer
                1. May occur 10-20 years after first exposure
                2. Mesothelioma
                  1. Cancer of the lung lining
                3. Regs
                  1. Control of asbestos at work regs 87,02
                    1. Control of asbestos regs 06, 12
                      1. Hazardous waste regs 05
                      2. 3 types of survey
                        1. management, pre-refurb, or pre-demolition
                          1. location and assessment
                            1. sampling
                              1. full access sampling and identification
                                1. by authorised and licensed people
                                2. Properties
                                  1. reistance to high temps
                                    1. strength
                                      1. resistance to electric current
                                        1. sound insulates
                                  2. Found in
                                    1. Artex (ATC)
                                      1. Asbestos cement
                                        1. garage corrugated roof sheets, flue pipes, underside of radiator shelfs
                                        2. Insulation board (AIB)
                                          1. COVERING FIREPLACES, WALL PANELS, BACK OF CUPBOARD DOORS, SOFFITS
                                          2. Sprayed coatings
                                            1. thermoplastic floor tiles
                                              1. asbestos re-inforced plastics
                                                1. toilet cistern, stair treads
                                                2. Perforated ceiling tiles (with small ruoud holes in)
                                                  1. Textiles
                                                    1. fuse tapes, fire blankets
                                                    2. Asbestos bitumen
                                                      1. bitumen felt dpc, bitumen sink pad
                                                    Show full summary Hide full summary


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