Little Hans-Themes + Analysis


A-Level- Edexcel Psychology
Mind Map by jess.courtney13, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by jess.courtney13 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Little Hans-Themes + Analysis
  1. THEME 1
    1. Dreamt about widdlers (penis) and wiping children's bottoms
      1. Hans denied this interest, stating that it was only in his dreams
        1. Example of repression, pushing unwanted desires into unconscious
        2. When younger- Hans had played with his widdler and his mother had told him off for it
          1. Pleasure at the Anal stage- pleasure
        3. THEME 2
          1. Wanted his father to 'go away' on business
            1. When family moved Hans and father was around less, Hans wanted him dead
              1. Because Hans enjoyed being with his mother and having her attention
              2. Also jealous of his sister (3 1/2yrs older)
                1. Evidence of the same desire for his mother- wanted sister 'out of the picture'
                2. Father reported Hans was scared of falling under water when in bath
                  1. A suggestion to Hans was that he wished his sisters head go under water and he agreed
                3. THEME 3
                  1. Had a fear that a white horse would bite him
                    1. Also afraid of black on horse mouths and in front of their eyes
                      1. Black=Moustache and glasses, reinforcing fear of father
                      2. White Horse=Represents Father
                      3. It appeared that Hans had heard the father of a girl telling her not to 'put a finger on the white horse
                        1. Reminded Hans of being told off for playing with Widdler
                          1. CASTRATION FEAR
                        2. Once, when walking with his mother, Hans had witnessed a horse fall over
                        3. THEME 4
                          1. Hans was oobserved playing with dolls and 'having children'
                            1. Father commented that he 'could not have' children
                              1. Hans responded; His mummy= Children's mummy, Hans= Children's daddy, his daddy= Children's Grandfather
                                1. Suggested that Hans is now cured of the OEDIPUS COMPLEX
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