How did you attract/address your audience


Mind Map on How did you attract/address your audience, created by amelia.barrett16 on 23/04/2014.
Mind Map by amelia.barrett16, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by amelia.barrett16 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

How did you attract/address your audience
  1. The audience that we wanted to attract and address in our horror film opening was the classification of 15+. This classification was chosen because we wanted to attract and adress adolcents therefore chosing 15 instead of 18 so that we gain a wider audience. Also to include horror themes and conventions that included strong language and violence in context the classification had to be 15+.
    1. The first thing we did to attract and address our audience was using relatable characters in our horror film opening this was done by using teenagers as our cast who were similar ages to our classification of 15+ and adolescences audience.This was done because then our target audience would be able to relate to the characters and understand their language actions and attitude better. This will therefore make our target audience of teenagers more interested in the film.
      1. The props we used were specifically used to attract and address our audience. This is because the props that we used were (wine bottles filled with water) the audience will decode this to be alcohol and cigarets. These props were used because they are a common stereotype that teenagers use in social groups. Therefore the audience will feel socially excepted and be able to relate to the characters. Also these props are known to be used by the working class therefore attracting teenagers who are categorised as the working class.
        1. In our horror film opening we included a relationship who were the characters named Sady and Dave. We used a relationship because this was a stereotypical and very common thing to happen in a teenagers life therefore this will attract our target audience of teenagers. We indicated this argument through a medium close up of the couple showing affection towards eachother. We illustrated the characters talking and laughing together this is something that teeangers often do therefore matched the actions of our target audience of teenagers.
          1. We used a flash forward to attract our audience. The flash forward was of the character 'Riley' played by Harmony Knight looking very scared and un eased because 'Scarlett' haunting her and possessing her spirit. This flash forward shows an enigma code . This is because the audience can suspect something about to happen however it comes back to reality straight away. This makes the audience want to carry on watching the horror film to find out all their unanswered questions.
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