Good Friday by Edwin Morgan -Analysis-


quotes and definitions in grey notes
Mind Map by dargo97, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by dargo97 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Good Friday by Edwin Morgan -Analysis-
  1. Expressive verbs


    • "Flops" "Lurches"
    1. Creates immediacy
      1. Feels real - as if its unfolding infront of us
      2. Undermining


        • "very nearly steady"
        1. the man isnt balancing well but isnt falling over
        2. Realism
          1. A realistic opening makes the whole poem seem real
            1. "Good Friday" -DATE
              1. "3 o' clock" -TIME
                1. "Bath Street" - PLACE
                  1. "Sun" -WEATHER
                  2. Word choice


                    • "Violently" "Lunges" "Swings"
                    1. -present tense -expressive verbs
                      1. Creates movement (immediancy/realism)
                        1. Paints a picture for us
                        2. Present tense


                          • "The bus lurches"
                          1. Makes the poem seem immediate and engaging
                          2. Repitition


                            • "Ye understand" "see" "mean"
                            1. The working man wants to be understood
                              1. He wants to communicate
                                1. He wants to be taken seriously
                                  1. The drink gives him the confidence to
                                2. Scottish dialect


                                  • "Aye" "Wee" "Ye"
                                  1. Gives information about the man
                                    1. Glaswegian + working class background
                                    2. Sets the scene in Glasgow
                                      1. Brings the character to life/ realistic
                                      2. Being ungrammatical


                                        • "Rose fae the dead"
                                        1. Makes the man seem real
                                          1. tells us where he is from
                                            1. Tells us his social
                                              1. No knowledge of grammar -No knowledge of Easter meaning
                                                1. (Working class man with no time to think about these things because of family and work)
                                              2. Line Layout


                                                • "Into the sun for his easter eggs,on very              nearly                          steady                                      legs"
                                                1. Looks like the steps that the man is walking down
                                                  1. Reminds us that he is drunk and not in control of his body or his circumstances
                                                  2. Rhyme


                                                    • "Into the sun for his easter eggs on very nearly steady legs"
                                                    1. Couplet
                                                      1. Only rhyme in the poem
                                                        1. Tells us the state of the man --(drunk, hardly able to control itself)
                                                          1. ends the poem - Punchline
                                                          2. Accent


                                                            • "Nae"
                                                            1. Where the poem is set
                                                              1. Where the man is from
                                                                1. Language typically used by lower and working class
                                                                2. Bible references


                                                                  • "3 o' clock" "Whether christ was -crucified or was he- rose fae the dead like?"
                                                                  1. Links to title 'Good Friday' and Easter theme
                                                                    1. 3 o' clock was the hour jesus died when the sun came out after his suffering
                                                                    2. Dashes
                                                                      1. pauses and breaks
                                                                        1. could be pausing in thought
                                                                          1. (Wanting to sound more intelligent-desire to comunicate-)
                                                                          2. or because of drink
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