B3.1.5 Ventilating the lungs


biology (B3.1) Mind Map on B3.1.5 Ventilating the lungs, created by elliesussex on 09/05/2013.
Mind Map by elliesussex, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by elliesussex almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

B3.1.5 Ventilating the lungs
  1. Contain the exchange surface of the breathing system.
    1. Lungs in the thorax
      1. Inside the ribcage
        1. above the diaphragm
          1. seperates lungs from abdomen
        2. When we breathe in:
          1. Intercoastal muscles (between ribs and diaphragm) contract
            1. Ribcage moves up and out
              1. Diaphragm flattens
                1. volume of the thorax increases
                  1. Pressure of thorax decreases and air is drawn in
                  2. When we breathe out:
                    1. Intercoastel muscles relax
                      1. Ribcage moves down and in
                        1. diaphragm becomes domed
                          1. volume oh thorax decreases
                            1. pressure increases and air is forced out
                            2. Movement in and out of lungs is known as ventilation
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