

Analysing the brief mind map
Mind Map by y10obrienf, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by y10obrienf almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Health and Safety
    1. Safe for the responsible User
      1. No exposed Wires
        1. Safe weight
          1. Safe edges
        2. Health And Safety
          1. Safe for 'Passer By'
            1. Edges
              1. Wires
                1. Can be stored safely.
                2. Safe for manafacture
                  1. Processes
                    1. Materials
                  2. Area
                    1. Storage
                      1. Stand
                        1. Wall
                          1. Case
                          2. Fits in
                            1. Users room
                              1. Living room
                                1. Other
                                2. Acoustics
                                  1. GIg
                                    1. Practice
                                      1. Recording
                                    2. Size
                                      1. Comfortable
                                        1. Body size
                                          1. Neck
                                            1. Weight
                                            2. Lay out
                                              1. Knobs
                                            3. Sustainability
                                              1. Responsible
                                                1. Sources
                                                  1. Processes
                                                2. Looks
                                                  1. User dependent
                                                    1. Musical style
                                                    2. Area linked
                                                    3. Enviroment
                                                      1. Materials
                                                        1. Where from?
                                                          1. Sustainable?
                                                            1. Responsibly cut?
                                                            2. Processes
                                                            3. Cost
                                                              1. Quality V Price
                                                                1. TIme
                                                                  1. Processes
                                                                    1. Can make a profit on it?
                                                                    2. User
                                                                      1. Level
                                                                        1. Beginner
                                                                          1. Intermediate
                                                                            1. Expert
                                                                          2. What differences would they need?
                                                                          3. Age
                                                                            1. What would they look for?
                                                                              1. Asethics
                                                                              2. Link to Cost
                                                                              3. Processes
                                                                                1. Which ones?
                                                                                  1. In school
                                                                                    1. Mark Scheme
                                                                                      1. Variety
                                                                                        1. What will I be good at?
                                                                                      2. Function
                                                                                        1. Playing
                                                                                          1. Recreation
                                                                                            1. Gigging
                                                                                              1. Practice
                                                                                                1. Recording
                                                                                                2. Materials
                                                                                                  1. Link to cost
                                                                                                    1. Link to looks
                                                                                                      1. Link to area
                                                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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