Animal Farm Mindmap


Mind Map on Animal Farm Mindmap, created by Cole Owen on 01/04/2017.
Cole Owen
Mind Map by Cole Owen, updated more than 1 year ago
Cole Owen
Created by Cole Owen over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Animal Farm Mindmap
  1. Communism
    1. Communism is a way of creating or sharing wealth/money and when everyone is equal.
      1. It is a way of people being equal no matter what thier job is.
        1. It is usually used for political reasons.
        2. The Russian Revolution
          1. The Russian Revolution happened in 1917.
            1. It removed Russia from World War II.
              1. It happened because they were kicked out of the world war which lead to hte Russian Revolution.
                1. It lead on the the Russian Civil War.
                2. Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky
                  1. Lenin (who died in 1924) was a political leader in russia.
                    1. Trotsky wanted to take over him but Stalin managed to get the role
                      1. He even told Trotsky the wrong date for Lenin's funeral, so Trotsky turned up a day late.
                    2. What happened in Stalin's Russia
                      1. Stalin’s control over Russia meant that freedom was the one thing that people lost.
                        1. Those who attempted to listen, read, write etc. were severly punished
                        2. The name of Russia after the revolution
                          1. Russia's name after the revolution was The Communist State.
                            1. It was named after the communism that Stalin made.
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