Computer Vision


Mind Map on Computer Vision, created by Jonathan Zinger on 05/07/2014.
Jonathan Zinger
Mind Map by Jonathan Zinger, updated more than 1 year ago
Jonathan Zinger
Created by Jonathan Zinger over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Computer Vision
  1. Challenges
    1. Deformation
      1. Illumination
        1. Occlusion
          1. Scale
            1. Viewpoint
              1. Clutter
                1. Motion
                  1. Intra-Class Variation
                    1. Local Ambiguity
                    2. Cues
                      1. Depth
                        1. Linear Perspective
                          1. Aerial Perspective
                          2. Shape and lighting
                            1. Shading
                            2. Grouping
                              1. Common Fate
                            3. Connected to:
                              1. ML
                                1. AI
                                  1. Robotics
                                    1. Image Processing
                                    2. Vision
                                      1. I. Basic Processing - feature detection
                                        1. 2 Fitting & Grouping
                                          1. 3 Multi-view Geometry
                                            1. 4 Recognition
                                              1. 5 Semantic Segmentation
                                                1. Object Recognition
                                                  1. Problems
                                                    1. Post Est. Where is it in 3d?
                                                      1. Segmentation - Where is it in 2d
                                                        1. Recognition - What is it
                                                        2. Attempts
                                                          1. Recognition from appearance
                                                            1. Recognition from Geometry
                                                              1. Best: view based, local invariance,' lots of features and voting
                                                              2. Features
                                                                1. Distinctive
                                                                  1. many per object
                                                                    1. Easy to detect
                                                                  2. Object Categorization
                                                                    1. MAP - bayes
                                                                    2. Face Detection
                                                                      1. Slide window across image - evaluate face model
                                                                    3. Robotics
                                                                      1. Where am i
                                                                        1. SLAM
                                                                        2. Whats nearby
                                                                          1. Navigation/Learning
                                                                        3. Perception
                                                                          1. Computation STereo
                                                                            1. Feature Detection
                                                                              1. Motion Tracking
                                                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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