Migration - To UK from EU (Poland)


International Baccalaureate Geography (Case Studies: Human) Mind Map on Migration - To UK from EU (Poland), created by Freya Bolton on 05/07/2014.
Freya Bolton
Mind Map by Freya Bolton, updated more than 1 year ago
Freya Bolton
Created by Freya Bolton almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Migration - To UK from EU (Poland)
  1. In 2006 - 264,555 polish immigrants came to the UK
    1. Push Factors
      1. 2005 - polish unemployment 18.2%
        1. 2006 - Polish GDP per head $12,700
        2. P
          1. E
            1. E
              1. S
                1. Pull Factors
                  1. Desire to experience life abroad
                    1. To learn English
                      1. 2005 - UK employment 5.1%
                        1. Unskilled Labor needed - farming
                          1. 2006 - UK GDP $30,900
                          2. Impacts
                            1. £2.54 billion contributed annually by eastern European immigrants
                              1. 80% of new migrants: 18-35 years old
                                1. National Insurance would have to be higher if immigration was lower
                                2. Migrants contributed 0.5 to 1% of UK economy in 2005 and 2006
                                3. Issues of Concern
                                  1. The Minimum wage: Workers have had large deductions made for accommodation, transport, food - this reduces their earning
                                    1. Immigrants have created racial tensions and misunderstandings
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