Refers to care of
children by carers other
than their parents
This usually
takes place
outside of the
Child Minders
Nanny/au pair
Day Nurseries
Social development
Is the child's
behaviour in
relation to other
This includes peer
relationships, friendships
and aggression
Peer relationships- includes
how well children get on with
other children. This could
include child's ability to make
friends and play
co-operatively with other
Aggression is
the behaviour
which has the
sole purpose of
injuring another
person or
Aggression can
be verbal or
Effects of daycare on aggresion
National Institute of
Child Health and
Human Development
In the US the NICHD
has followed the
progress of more than
100 children since
The more time the
children spend in
daycare centres
from birth to 4 and a
half years, the more
adults rates them as
agressive between
2 and 6 years old
both at home and at
Provision of
pre-school of
In Britain the EPPE
project focused
mainly on the impact
of pre-school
education of a group
of 3000 3 and 4 year
years old.
High levels of group care
before the age of three were
associated with high levels of
aggression at the age of
Children who attended
pre-school 2,3 or 5 days a week
were observed via moving film
techniques. Behaviour in 5
categories were recorded
Over a 10 -week period,
aggressive behaviour
decreased in all three age
groups. The changes were
directly related to the number
of days of attendance at
pre-school. I.e the more days
attented the more aggressive
behaviour decreased.
Effects of day care on peer relations
Campbell et al
Compared children in Sweden in
day care aged between 18 months-
3 and a half years. These were
compared to home reared children
until 15 years old. The children
were observed with familiar peers
and other children.
Children who spent short days
in nursery are more socially
competent than home raised
children. However, children
who were in care for a long
time each day were less
socially competent than
children who spent shorter
days in care
Provision of
pre-school of
education (2003)
Looked at large numbers of children
in different types of pre schools using
a variety of methods such as
parental and pre-school staff
interviews and case study
Found high quality care was
associated with greater care
sociability with other
children. This is particularly
the case in providers who
view educational and social
developmental as equally
Bates et al
Examined teachers and
peer ratings of social
behaviour in 600 American
5 and 6 year old.
The children, who had spend
a lot of time in day care during
their first 5 years , were rated
as significantly less socially
skilled than children by
The studies have face validity
Face validity is a test to see if it's
measuring what its's supposed to
In this instance the
studies have face
validity because there
are clear observation
methods that measure
the level of aggression
This is a strength because
it means we can be
confident that the study is
measuring what it's
supposed to be measuring -
the impact of day care on
social development
Methodology used
All studies -Natural studies
A natural study is when it takes
advantage of the naturally
occuring situations to study their
effects- no experimental
manipulation of variables
Factors that were naturally
ocuring were that the parents
were taking the children to
This is a strength
because we can
generalise the findings
to other situations, as
they are real events,
given researcher higher
ecological validity
Practical Application
E.g. Campells study suggest that
the amount of time spent in day
care has an effect on whether
children's behaviour develops
postivley or negatively
Therefore practical applications
based on this could be by changing
how many days the kids are in
This is a strength because it
means that the findings of the
research can be used to improve
the day care experience for
children and therefore children's
social development.
Variety of day care settings
This would make it difficult to assess
the effects of daycare because daycare
differs so much in terms in of
adult-child ratios and the number of
other children present
E.g. a nursery differs from
a child minder because
there is less attention given
to a child, as there are
more children to adults
You can't compare different types
of day care easily- this makes it
extremely hard to generalise
Different ages and the time
they spend each week
It can't be assumed that a child who
starts daycare at 6 months will have the
same experience as a child who starts at
3 years old
At 6 months they will have an
attachment with the primary
caregiver- separation anxiety
At 3 years old they will have established
attachment and don't show separation anxiety
The time spent in daycare can also make a
difference. E.g. Campbell found that shorter
days mean that children are more socially
This makes it difficult to asses the effect of
daycare because we aren't comparing the exact
same experiences of daycare both within and
across studies
This makes it
hard to test for
Day care centres vary in quality
Quality of
care can be
influenced by
factors such as
Learning experiences
Structure of the day
Affection and
ration and
group size
This makes it
difficult to assess
the effects of
daycare because
it may not be
daycare in
general that
impact on social
development, but
the quality of care
Therefore if we
are comparing
studies, we need
to be sure that
they are both
investigating day
care that is of the
same quality
If comparisons
cannot be
made then we
don't get a
clear picture of
the influence of