Medicine & treatment 1750 - 1900


Mind Map on Medicine & treatment 1750 - 1900, created by Ryan Kerr on 14/05/2014.
Ryan Kerr
Mind Map by Ryan Kerr, updated more than 1 year ago
Ryan Kerr
Created by Ryan Kerr almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Medicine & treatment 1750 - 1900
  1. Patent medicines
    1. 19th century, less use made of herbal remedies as people moved away from countryside. Apothecaries sold 'preparations' which they advertised being a cure for everything.
      1. A mixture that has been created by one person or company and is sold under a particular brand.
        1. Covered in gold or silver leaf for rich people, more attractive & easier to swallow.
        2. Kill diseases
          1. Tuberculosis, typhoid, cholera, diphtheria, smallpox.
            1. Miasma: Caused by bad air that was filled with poisonous fumes from rotting matter.
              1. Spontaneous Generation: Caused by germs that were produced by flesh and vegetables as they rotted.
                1. Cholera: Spread through bacteria passed on through food and water that have been contaminated by the excreta of an infected person.
                2. Jenner & vaccination
                  1. Inoculation: A way of giving a patient a mild dose of an illness so that the body builds up its immunity.
                    1. Smallpox parties: People who could not afford to get inoculated, could.
                    2. The germ theory
                      1. 1. End of 19th century, scientific research carried out by a team rather than a individual.
                        1. 2. 1850's Louis Pasteur investigated problems of liquids turning sour
                          1. 3. More powerful microscopes meant Pasteur could observe growth of unwanted organisms.
                            1. 4. Discovered heating liquids killed bacteria & stopped liquid going sour.
                              1. 5. 1861 Pasteur published germ theory.
                              2. Doctors & training
                                1. Practical experience: Qualified doctors could apply for a position at a hospital, under supervision of an experienced doctor.
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