4. Change Management & Communications


CIPFA Strategic Leadership Mind Map on 4. Change Management & Communications, created by colinmillar on 05/18/2014.
Mind Map by colinmillar, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by colinmillar almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

4. Change Management & Communications
  1. Change Management vs Organisational Development
    1. OD focuses on continuous improvement through business as usual
      1. 4 characteristics common in OD:
        1. 1. OD is a planned intervention, designed to improve organisational effectiveness
          1. 2. OD relies on a lot of psychology & concepts & research from behavioural science
            1. 3. OD is a long-term & continuous effort throughout the life of an organisation
              1. 4. OD is mostly centred on HR variables (motivation/job satisfaction) & often concerned with 1 project at a time
      2. CM is involved with more radical and far-reaching changes and their effect on the organisation
        1. Types of change:
          1. Transformational change
            1. Fundamental change that involves structures, activities, personnel & often the type of produces or services delivered
            2. Realignment change
              1. Adapting or reconstructing existing structures & processes rather than changing them
              2. Typical implementation plan for change:
                1. 1. Analyse the current position & the changes required
                  1. 2. Identify the future state required & the barriers to change that may occur
                    1. 3. Analyse the critical change that need to be made
                      1. 4. Identify & design the approach to change
                        1. 5. Plan the transition path & the phasing of changes
                          1. 6. Manage & lead the transition
                            1. 7. Evaluate the process & communicate the outcomes
            3. Change Kaleidoscope
              1. Developed to enable managers to design a context-sensitive approach to change within their organisation
                1. 1. Time-how long have they got?
                  1. 2. Scope-degree of change required
                    1. 3. Preservation-certain things we do not want to change, such as staff commitment, high performance in a particular team, or a good reputation
                      1. 4. Diversity-staff/team experience of change, attitude
                        1. 5. Capability-three levels
                          1. Individual


                            • Ability of individual to cope with the transition they will go through
                            1. Managerial


                              • The ability of managers to help their staff through the transition process
                              1. Organisational


                                • The existence of organisational resources with the knowledge & ability to manage change of the type required
                                1. 6. Capacity-resources available for investment (budget, time, people)
                                  1. 7. Readiness-extent to which staff are aware of need to change & are ready to embrace it
                                    1. 8. Power-the amount of power that change agents have & autonomy they have
                    2. TROPICS test
                      1. Predicts whether the changes required within the organisation fall into:
                        1. 1. Soft changes-people attitude & culture paradigms
                          1. 2. Hard changes-system process & structural issues
                        2. Tool assesses:
                          1. Perceptions
                            1. Interest
                              1. Control
                                1. Source
                        3. Change Life Cycle
                          1. Unfreeze
                            1. Existing mind-sets in the org are challenged, establishing need & motivation for change
                              1. Change
                                1. Freeze
                                  1. The new order is bedding in & being reinforced in the org, becoming the new status quo
                                  2. Stage of anxiety & confusion, where people are going through changes but do not have clear picture of future
                                2. Change requires prior learning to be rejected & replaced-COGNITIVE REDEFINITION
                                3. Transition Curve
                                  1. Tool designed to help to predict the way people react to change, enabling correct technique to be applied
                                  2. Force Field Analysis
                                    1. Tool in anticipating likely resistance to change, based on idea that situation at any given time is not static but subject to driving forces that will push/hold back the change
                                      1. Highlights concerns & provides the change leader with an idea as to which solutions to put in place
                                      2. Change Agents
                                        1. Employing a change agent to manage the change process can be a useful catalyst for successful implementation of change
                                          1. Main role is to engage with all stakeholders & to sell the change & benefits to all parties
                                            1. Change agents must:
                                              1. be seen to be open & responsive to others
                                                1. be judged by org as a whole to represent all parties
                                                  1. have the authority to act quickly to solve problems as they occur
                                                    1. have the ability to be detached from the detail of the various change initiatives, concentrating on end results of change process as a whole
                                                    2. Advantages of Internal Change Agents:
                                                      1. Save time as they already know & understand the org
                                                        1. Know about politics & relationships that exist
                                                          1. Have access to rumour mill & can anticipate problems
                                                            1. Accepted by others as looking after the interests of the org as a whole
                                                              1. Quickly establish rapport & trust
                                                                1. Not an additional cost
                                                      2. Disadvantages of Internal Change Agents:
                                                        1. Subjective view due to previous role in organisation
                                                          1. Over-cautious when making decisions that might ultimately affect their career
                                                            1. Potentially lacking in the skills of change management
                                                              1. Learning on the job inefficient
                                                                1. Might get drawn back into their 'old' past
                                                                  1. May defer decisions to more senior leaders
                                                                    1. Difficulty moving back to original role after the change process
                                                        2. Advantages of External Change Agents
                                                          1. Specialist knowledge & skills
                                                            1. Objective view point
                                                              1. Specific help on a temporary basis
                                                                1. Access to expert opinion
                                                                  1. Have done it before & can participate problems & issues
                                                                    1. Highly competent project management skills
                                                                      1. Can make the difficult choices
                                                                        1. Can transfer knowledge to the organisation for future change
                                                          2. Disadvantages of External Change Agents
                                                            1. Need time to get to know the organisation
                                                              1. Members of the org may be wary of outsiders
                                                                1. Perceived as not having loyalty to the organisation
                                                                  1. Feeling that if negative things happen they can just leave
                                                                    1. Cost
                                                                      1. May not have time available to manage unforeseen consequences if moving on to next job
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