2. Hard changes-system process & structural issues
Tool assesses:
Change Life Cycle
Existing mind-sets in the org are
challenged, establishing need &
motivation for change
The new order is bedding in & being reinforced
in the org, becoming the new status quo
Stage of anxiety & confusion, where
people are going through changes
but do not have clear picture of future
Change requires prior learning to be rejected & replaced-COGNITIVE
Transition Curve
Tool designed to help to predict the way people react
to change, enabling correct technique to be applied
Force Field Analysis
Tool in anticipating likely resistance to
change, based on idea that situation at any
given time is not static but subject to driving
forces that will push/hold back the change
Highlights concerns & provides the change leader
with an idea as to which solutions to put in place
Change Agents
Employing a change agent to manage the change process can
be a useful catalyst for successful implementation of change
Main role is to engage with all stakeholders
& to sell the change & benefits to all parties
Change agents must:
be seen to be open & responsive to others
be judged by org as a whole to represent all parties
have the authority to act quickly to solve problems as they occur
have the ability to be detached from the detail of the various change
initiatives, concentrating on end results of change process as a whole
Advantages of Internal Change Agents:
Save time as they already know & understand the org
Know about politics & relationships that exist
Have access to rumour mill & can anticipate problems
Accepted by others as looking after the interests of the org as a whole
Quickly establish rapport & trust
Not an additional cost
Disadvantages of Internal Change Agents:
Subjective view due to previous role in organisation
Over-cautious when making decisions
that might ultimately affect their career
Potentially lacking in the skills of change management
Learning on the job inefficient
Might get drawn back into their 'old' past
May defer decisions to more senior leaders
Difficulty moving back to original role after the change process
Advantages of External Change Agents
Specialist knowledge & skills
Objective view point
Specific help on a temporary basis
Access to expert opinion
Have done it before & can
participate problems & issues
Highly competent project management skills
Can make the difficult choices
Can transfer knowledge to the organisation for future change
Disadvantages of External Change Agents
Need time to get to know the organisation
Members of the org may be wary of outsiders
Perceived as not having loyalty to the organisation
Feeling that if negative things happen they can just leave
May not have time available to manage unforeseen
consequences if moving on to next job