Travelling west


GCSE History (American West) Mind Map on Travelling west, created by nicola.98 on 21/05/2014.
Mind Map by nicola.98, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by nicola.98 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Travelling west
  1. What you needed
    1. $1000
      1. Wagon
        1. 4 or 6 oxen
          1. 1x3m long, wooden wheels and iron tyres
            1. Spare parts
            2. Food and essentials
              1. Kettle, frying pan, coffee pot, tin plates
                1. Knives, forks, axes
                  1. Food


                    • Flour, bacon, coffee, sugar, salt, jerkey, rice, tea, dried beans, baking soda, vinegar, pickles, mustard, dried fruit and tallow
                2. Early travellers
                  1. The Sagars
                    1. Rain
                      1. Mud
                        1. Swollen rivers
                        2. Naomi Sagar gave birth
                          1. Buffalo stampede
                            1. Shot too many Buffalo
                              1. Arguement
                                1. Lost leader for the rest of the journey
                              2. Wagon overturned
                              3. The Donners
                                1. Snow fell a month early
                                  1. Blizzards, ice and storms
                                  2. James Reed was banished


                                    • He killed another in self-defence
                                    1. Didn't bring enough food
                                      1. Killed Indians and eat them
                                        1. By Christmas, they hadn't had any food for 4 days.
                                          1. Resorted to cannibalism and killed each other.
                                            1. They were found. Half were dead, the others half mad.
                                        2. Followed new trail
                                        3. The Knights
                                          1. Physical barriers
                                            1. Swamp
                                              1. Low hills
                                                1. Blue Mountains
                                                2. Traded beads and mocasins for bread with Indians
                                                  1. Thought they would be attacked by Indians
                                                    1. Didn't bring enough water
                                                      1. Drank melted snow
                                                    2. The Goulds
                                                      1. Cold and wet
                                                        1. A lot of rain
                                                        2. Traded with Indians
                                                          1. Indians attacked and killed 3 men
                                                        3. The Journey
                                                          1. Two routes
                                                            1. Oregon
                                                              1. California
                                                              2. Took about 5 or 6 months
                                                                1. Started off in Illinois
                                                                  1. Split into two groups after leaving Fort Hall
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                                                                  American West - Key Dates
                                                                  Rachel I-J
                                                                  Weimar Revision
                                                                  Tom Mitchell
                                                                  Conferences of the Cold War
                                                                  Alina A
                                                                  Bay of Pigs Invasion : April 1961
                                                                  Alina A
                                                                  The Berlin Crisis
                                                                  Alina A
                                                                  The Weimar Republic, 1919-1929
                                                                  Hitler and the Nazi Party (1919-23)
                                                                  Adam Collinge
                                                                  History of Medicine: Ancient Ideas
                                                                  James McConnell
                                                                  GCSE History – Social Impact of the Nazi State in 1945
                                                                  Ben C
                                                                  Using GoConqr to study History
                                                                  Sarah Egan
                                                                  Germany 1918-39
                                                                  Cam Burke