Rossiter-Percy-Bellman Grid


Mind Map on Rossiter-Percy-Bellman Grid, created by hannahtosolini on 05/25/2014.
Mind Map by hannahtosolini, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hannahtosolini over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Rossiter-Percy-Bellman Grid
  1. 3 questions to answert
    1. 1. For target audience is it brand recognition or brand recall?
      1. 2. For target audience is the purchase INFORMATIONAL (negative motivation) or TRANSFORMATIONAL (positive motivation)?
        1. Negative origin
          1. Problem removal, seek to solve problem
            1. Annoyed - relieved
            2. Problem avoidance, seek to prevent future problem
              1. Fearful - relaxed
              2. Incomplete satisfaction, unsatisfied so search for a better product
                1. Disappointed - optimistic
                2. Mixed approach avoidance, like some things but not others so seek to resolve conflict
                  1. Conflicted - reassured
                3. Mildly negative
                  1. Normal depletion, seek to maintain supply
                    1. Mildly annoyed - content
                  2. Positive origin
                    1. Sensory gratification, extra psychological stimulation to enjoy
                      1. Dull/neutral - joyful
                      2. Intellectual stimulation, exploration or mastery
                        1. Bored/neutral - excited/comptent
                        2. Social approval, recognition from using as social reward
                          1. Apprehensive/apathetic - flattered/proud
                      3. 3. For target audience is the purchase high or low involvement?
                        1. Low involvement trial experience is sufficient
                          1. High involvement search & conviction needed prior to purchase
                        2. Brand awareness (recognition)
                          1. Clear, realistic logo pack prominent & distinctive color used
                            1. Customer must be able to easily link brand pack to category
                            2. Brand Awareness (Recall)
                              1. Important that repetition is used to strongly link category & brand together
                                1. Can use celebrity, jingle or other memory aiding device
                                  1. Helped by brand names that are easy to remember, spell & associate
                                  2. Low involvement / Informational
                                    1. Keep message simple
                                      1. Focus on one key benefit
                                        1. Exaggerate to attract curiosity
                                          1. Show brand as the hero/problem solver
                                            1. Consumer doesn't need to like ad, just remember it
                                            2. Low involvement / Transformational
                                              1. Want people to form an attachment to the brand, see it as desirable
                                                1. Need a main benefit that captures the emotion or style of the brand in a unique way
                                                  1. Consumer needs to like what they see/read/hear
                                                  2. High involvement / informational
                                                    1. Numerous benefits needed, order in which they are presented is important
                                                      1. Cannot exaggerate too much
                                                        1. Consumers likely to compare brands, you may undertake this in your ad
                                                          1. Media carefully chosen
                                                          2. High involvement / transformational
                                                            1. People in your communication are aspirational role models for your brand, select them carefully
                                                              1. Customers must also understand rational message
                                                                1. Media choices need to reflect nature of such brands
                                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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