China's Power


Mind Map on China's Power, created by valkorum on 05/28/2014.
Mind Map by valkorum, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by valkorum over 10 years ago

Resource summary

China's Power
  1. Cultural
    1. Soft power
      1. Propaganda
        1. Attempting to spread language
          1. Spreading religion
            1. Creation of 353 confucius institutions
          2. Political
            1. Closing embassies in states which recognise Taiwan's sovereignty
              1. Australia's embassy in Taiwan considered unofficial
              2. Prevents Taiwan from joining IGGs and NGOs
                1. China vetoes their entry into the UN
                2. Creates legislation to uphold One China Policy
                3. Diplomatic
                  1. Ability of a state to influence others through discussion to influence international events.
                    1. Cut off links to states that recognise Taiwan's sovereignty
                      1. Public denouncement of states
                        1. States expressing support of separatist movement
                          1. Dalai Lama
                            1. Prevented from visiting
                        2. Recalling ambassadors in states that are seen to insult China
                          1. Praise of states that do not recognise sovereignty of Taiwan
                          2. Economic
                            1. Oil for aid
                              1. Offering aid to developing states for oil resources
                                1. Bribing states
                              2. Aid for trade
                                1. Offering aid to developing countries in exchange for opening new trade negotiations and agreements
                                2. Imposes sanctions and embargoes to influence events in their favour
                                  1. Economic power over Taiwan has prevented them from seceding, as Taiwan's economy is reliant on trade with China
                                  2. Military
                                    1. Budget
                                      1. Military budget is consistently growing
                                        1. In 2011 spent $100b USD on defence
                                          1. Spending money on new carriers
                                          2. Technology
                                            1. Ability to destroy missiles mid-air
                                              1. Nuclear weapons
                                                1. J-20 stealth fighter jet
                                                  1. Upgrading navy destroyers
                                                    1. Development of aeronautics
                                                    2. Largest standing army in the world
                                                      1. Army built for short, high intensity wars
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