Unit 7.1


Mind Map on Unit 7.1, created by Abdirahman mohamed on 19/07/2017.
Abdirahman mohamed
Mind Map by Abdirahman mohamed, updated more than 1 year ago
Abdirahman mohamed
Created by Abdirahman mohamed over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 7.1
  1. Define Force
    1. An interaction between two objects. It can be push or pull
    2. What unit is force measured in?
      1. The unit is called Newton(symbol N)
      2. What is Deseleration?
        1. To slow something down or completely stop it
        2. What is acceleration
          1. Something moving or speeding up
          2. What are drawing forces
            1. They are forces that you can show it on a diagram.The bigger the force the bigger the arrow
            2. What force does it take to lift an apple
              1. 1 Newton
              2. What can be measured to use force
                1. A spring
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