Body Systems Involved In Exercise


Ella Watts
Mind Map by Ella Watts, updated more than 1 year ago
Ella Watts
Created by Ella Watts about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Body Systems Involved In Exercise
  1. Excretory System
    1. To rid the body of wastes, including excess water, salts and sweat
    2. Circulatory System
      1. To deliver oxygenated blood to the various cells. Makes sure blood goes to your heart
      2. Nervous System
        1. To coordinate the body when running
        2. Respiratory System
          1. To supply the body with fresh oxygen
          2. Endocrine System
            1. Consists of glands that release the chemicals and hormones that control physiological functions in the body
            2. Skeletal System
              1. Contains all the bones in the body. Helps people move
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