

personal revision and i dont wana pay so im not making it private... so sorry for clogging up the website :)
Mind Map by Tilia, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Tilia over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Atypical Beahviour
    1. Key Concepts
      1. Typical Behaviour: Behaviour that is normal and usual
        1. Atpical Behaivour: Behaviour thats goes against the norm, unusual
          1. The 5 fears:
            1. Arachnaphobia (spiders)
              1. Acrophobia (heights)
                1. Agoraphobia (no escape)
                  1. School phobia
                    1. Social and school phobia both relate to a fear of being embarrassed in public
                    2. Social phobia
                  2. Core Theory
                    1. Core Study
                      1. Alternate Theory
                        1. Applications of Research
                          1. 3 Types of behaviorist therapies:
                            1. Flooding
                              1. the client is immersed in their fear, eg: locked in a room full of spiders.
                              2. Gradual desensatisation
                                1. Implosion therapy
                                  1. Like flooding, but more ethical. The client imagines their worst fear.
                            2. Memory
                              1. Key concepts
                                1. Core study
                                  1. Core theory
                                    1. Alternate theory
                                      1. Applications of Research
                                      2. Obedience
                                        1. Key concepts
                                          1. Core theory
                                            1. Core study
                                              1. Alternate theory
                                                1. Applications of Research
                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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