Psychology Essay Structures


PAPER 2: LO: STRESS, "discuss physiological aspects of stress" + "discuss social aspects of stress"
halla ali
Note by halla ali, updated more than 1 year ago
halla ali
Created by halla ali almost 7 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

Discuss Social aspects of stress    STRUCTURE: Paragraph 1: Define social hierarchy- explain Sapolsky + what he found + evaluate Sapolsky paragraph 2: APFC Marmot + Evaluation paragraph 3: Poverty- Evans & Kim (2007) small paragraph paragraph 4: Social Comparison Model, Adler (2009) small paragraph  Paragraph 6: small conclusion 

Discuss Physiological aspects of stress   STRUCTURE: paragraph 1: Describe stressors paragraph 2: Describe GAS paragraph 3: Evaluate GAS paragraph 4: KG (1984) Describe + Evaluate paragraph 5: Cohen (1993) Describe + Evaluate paragraph 6: KG (1995) Describe + Evaluate paragraph 7: Conclusion    

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