Plot Summary for "Romeo and Juliet"


Leaving Certificate English (Romeo & Juliet) Note on Plot Summary for "Romeo and Juliet", created by Louise Kelly on 30/05/2018.
Louise Kelly
Note by Louise Kelly, updated more than 1 year ago
Louise Kelly
Created by Louise Kelly over 6 years ago

Resource summary

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Basic Plot

A young boy called Romeo and a young girl called Juliet fall in love. They later find out they're from rival families , Romeo from the Montaque's and Juliet from the Capulet's. They decide, with help from Juliet's nurse and Friar Lawrence, to marry in secret. However, before their wedding night Romeo kills Juliet's cousin in a duel, and in the morning he is forced to leave her. If he ever returns to the city, he will be put to death.Juliet is then told she must marry Paris, who has been chosen by her parents, who do not know she is already married. She refuses - then agrees because she plans to fake her death and escape to be with Romeo.​​​​​​​ She takes a sleeping potion and appears to be dead, so her parents lay her in a tomb. However, Romeo does not know about the plan, visits her grave, finds her 'dead', and kills himself. Juliet finally wakes up, finds Romeo dead, and then kills herself.​​​​​​​

Act Summary

Act I - Romeo and Juliet meet for the first time at the Capulet's party , they are instantly attracted to one another. Act II - Romeo secretly visits Juliet, offering her a red rose as a declaration of his love for her (Romeos soliloquay). Act III - Mercutio is fatally wounded by Tybalt (fight scene) , Romeo comforts his friend but knows there's nothing he can do to save him. This is also the act where Romeo slays Tybalt. Act IV - Juliet takes the first step toward what she hopes will be the solution to her and Romeo's problems. Act V - The plan fails and Romeo kills himself, believing Juliet is dead. When Juliet awakes, she too is overcome with grief, and so kills herself.

Linking Events

In your work, you need to show how different events fit together Imagine you are looking at Act 3, Scene 1 (where Romeo kills Juliet's cousin, Tybalt). You would probably want to include details from the plot like: how the atmosphere beforehand (during Romeo and Juliet's marriage) was optimistic, warm and romantic how a fight is predicted at the start of the Act (with 'the mad blood stirring') how killing off two major characters (Mercutio and Tybalt) puts the focus directly on Romeo at the end of the scene (and Juliet at the start of the next scene) how the end of the scene relates to the earlier fight and the warning from the Prince in Act 1 how the action switches to Juliet, with her dreams of love contrasting with the earlier violence .

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