Martinez and Kesner (1991)


the role of neurotransmitters in learning and memory
Note by cabbacje, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cabbacje over 9 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

AIM:- determine the role of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine on memory.

METHODS:- Rats were trained to go through a maze and get to the end where they received food- After rats were able to do this, he injected: 1st group - scopolamine, which blocks acetylcholine receptor sites. 2nd group - physostigmine, blocks production of cholinesterase (does 'clean-up' of acetylcholine from synapse and returns neuron to its 'resting state') 3rd group - control (no injections)

RESULTS:- scopolamine - slower at finding way around maze and made more errors than control/physostigmine group.- physostigmine - ran faster compared to both groups and made fewer wrong turns.

CONCLUSION:- Acetylcholine played an important role in creating memory- Overall, it can be seen that neurotransmitters do affect human behaviour in a variety of ways.

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