3. Inflammation - created from Mind Map


Note on 3. Inflammation - created from Mind Map, created by sajedashah on 14/11/2013.
Note by sajedashah, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by sajedashah over 10 years ago
Copied to Note by sajedashah over 10 years ago

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inflammation deals with infected organisms where they have entered the body sends out disttress signals to WBC's to come to the scene redness-due to vasodilation of blood vessels in the infected area to increase blood flow heat - result of increased blood flow swelling - extra blood forces fluid into the damaged tissues - allows immune cells from blood to get to site of infection pain - swollen tissues press on nerves

innate immunity is NOT only physical defenses

inflammation triggered by damaged cells phagocytes accumalate to increase rate at which bacteria and debris can be dealt with by phagocytosis ruptured local cells, mast cells and basophills release alarm chemicals such as histamines and kinins causes vasodilation attract other cells from blood to the area leads to signs of inflammation

3. Inflammation

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