Experimental Design (Repeated Measures, Independent groups..)


Experimental Design (Repeated Measures, Independent groups..)
Marcus H
Note by Marcus H, updated more than 1 year ago
Marcus H
Created by Marcus H over 8 years ago

Resource summary

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Repeated Measures Design 1 group Each participant subject to every condition Advantages Cheap Quick No participant variation Disadvantages Order effects Purpose of experiment may be revealed Boredom effect

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Independent Groups Design 2 (+) groups that complete different tasks e.g. Group 1 completes task with music, Group 2 without music Advantages No order effects No boredom effect Participants unlikely to discover experiment purpose Disadvantages Open to participant variation (e.g. ability) Costly due to more participants Open to experimenter bias if group allocation isn't random

Page 3

Matched Pairs Design 2 (+) Groups Participants are matched into each condition as closely as possible based on important factors (e.g. age, gender) Advantages No order effects Reduced participant variation Participants unlikely to discover experiment purpose Disadvantages Time consuming Hard to decide which characteristics to match

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