Approaches: Exam Skills


AS - Level Psychology Note on Approaches: Exam Skills, created by Isabel O'Neill on 26/04/2016.
Isabel O'Neill
Note by Isabel O'Neill, updated more than 1 year ago
Isabel O'Neill
Created by Isabel O'Neill over 8 years ago

Resource summary

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Approaches: Exam Skills

Wundt: 1832-1920 Introspection- he believed that the mind was a structure of different components and if he could get an idea of a small part, he could get an idea of the whole. The first systematic experimental attempt to study the mind by breaking up conscious awareness into basic structures of thought, images, sensations.

1. Describe Wundt's role in the development of psychology (6 marks):Wilhelm Wundt developed psychology in many ways. He produced the first systematic experimental attempt to study the mind by separating conscious awareness into three basic structures: thought, images and sensations. This was called Introspection. He was the first to use scientific processes to study psychology. Separated psychology from philosophy- set up a laboratory specifically for psychology and research into the human mind. His approach influenced other areas- paved the way for controlled research into psychology. Published a book on his findings His reductionist approach allowed for him to quantify data 2. Explain what is meant by 'inference' in relation to this study (2 marks): An inference is something that can be concluded from information available, and educated guess based on findings. Link to the source 3. Briefly explain one strength and one limitation of the cognitive approach to psychology (4 marks) A problem with Computer models is that they reduce behaviour so much that experiences/ emotions/ environments are ignored. This means that the approach Studies have provided repeatable results such as Peterson and Peterson, make the cognitive approach more valid.

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