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-The Poor✓ -The rich✓ - Family life -King Henry✓ -Henry's wives✓ -religious changes
Mafalda Melo
Note by Mafalda Melo, updated more than 1 year ago
Mafalda Melo
Created by Mafalda Melo over 7 years ago

Resource summary

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The PoorIn the 16th and 17th century the poor were one of the big worries that the government had. This was happening because rich people could not decided wether to help them or not. They thought that most of poor people were not actually needing help from them.

Reasons to be suspicious! A Rogue - He will crawl along the streets (supporting his body by a staff) They pretend to look hopeless and very ill. The Upright Man - He was the king of the vagrants He would carrie a staff ( a long stick used as a support when walking or climbing or as a weapon.). The Upright Man does not beg, but he makes people give him money. He helps himself to other vagrants possessions and even their women. The Counterfeit Crank - He pretends to be ill and he sucks soap to make himself foam at the mouth and then he pretends to have an epileptic fit. The Doxy - She carries on her back a great pack in which she hides all the things she has stollen. She knits and wears a needle in her hat as she walks. If she sees any chicken she feeds them with bread and has a threat tied to a baited hook. The chicken swallow it and get choked and die. After that she puts them in her basket. The Bawdy Baskets - They are women that go with baskets on their arms. In these baskets they have laces , pins and silk of all colors. Their job is to steal linen clothes off hedges. They are maidservants and when their mistress (boss) is not around they still beef , good pieces of bacon or cheese that are worth 12d, for 2d of their toys.

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Married life In this time married life was very harsh.

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