Stress as a bodily response


Psychology (Biological) Note on Stress as a bodily response, created by HeatherTxo on 20/04/2014.
Note by HeatherTxo, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by HeatherTxo about 10 years ago

Resource summary

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The Nervous System.

The nervous system rules our body, and tells it what to do in certain situations, it reacts without us being aware of it.

Central Nervous System - Spine and brain.                                     |             Peripheral Nervous System                                     |             Autonomic Nervous System               |                                      |Sympathetic                     Parasympathetic

Sympathetic Nervous System - Fight or flight mechanism. Pupils dilate Heart rate increases Blood sugar levels increase Breathing rate increases, bronchi relax Digestion stops Releases bladder

Parasympathetic Nervous System - Regain composure. Pupils constrict Inhibits heart  Constricts bronchi Stimulates digestion Constricts bladder

Short term response to stress

Sympathomedullary Pathway- caused by acute stressors (short term 5 - 100 minutes)This is the response to short term stress. It starts at the hypothalamus which stimulates a branch of the peripheral nervous system called the sympathetic nervous system. This stimulates the adrenal medulla to release adrenaline and noradrenaline. These result in an increase of O2 and glucose supply to the brain and muscles creating a fight or flight kind of scenario.

Long term response to stress.

Pituitary-Adrenal System.- caused by chronic stressors (long term)This is a long term response to stress that starts at the hypothalamus which sends a message to the pituitary gland to release ACTH. The adrenal cortex then recognises the ACTH and is stimulated to release corticosteroids such as cortisol. This results in a quick burst of energy and a lowered sensitivity to pain, it also lowers the immune system.

Nervous System

Short term response

Long term response

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