possible problems and how i would fix them


possible problems with bakery and how to fix
tiffany jesus
Note by tiffany jesus, updated more than 1 year ago
tiffany jesus
Created by tiffany jesus over 7 years ago

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possible problems and how i would fix them. Marketing weaknesses is that most people will try to visit on their breaks or lunches. This would mean the bakery will be very busy at these times- and could put people off visiting. To solve this I would open more than one till, and employ people to work shifts at these periods of the day, to deal with every customer appropriately and nicely. A disadvantage of employing part time workers is that I have to pay them. This would reduce the profit I make by the hour, however if the volumes of people aren’t so high, then I won’t need a part time worker for more than an hour, so will only need to pay them minimum.ways my business would respond to issues. The main external threat to the business is the bakery down the street which people might pick in favour over mine due to them selling traditional goods similar to mine. The main action they might take to compete with me is lower their prices, so people go to the cheaper bakery. This would happen over the first year, as they realise they have competition this would be their first typical step. To deal with it I would introduce a cookie loyalty card.

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