

Year 10 History FlashCards sobre Jews, criado por marion.wilson em 28-05-2013.
FlashCards por marion.wilson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por marion.wilson aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
The final Solution The decision to obliterate all Jews in Europe
Estimated number of Jews that died 6 Million
Jews situation Pre-Hitler (pre 1933) Well respected and a part of the community. German citizens. They were thriving in business.
Jews situation after Hitler (1933 - ) Isolated and pushed out of society. No longer citizens and everything taken away from them (including rights, possessions, money and life). Became hated and despised. Not excepted.
Nuremberg laws Anti-Semetic laws that are protecting the greater Germany from Jews and other A-socials
The Law for the protection of German Blood and Honour - Marriages between Jews and pure Germans Forbidden - Sexual Relations between Jews and Pure Germans forbidden - Jews cannot employ German women under 45 in household
Reich Citizenship Law A Jew cannot be a citizen of the Reich, he does not have a voting right in political matters: he cannot hold a public office
Fraction of Jewish Population in WWI 1/5
Start and end numbers of Jews 1933 - 500,000 jews 1944 - 15,000 jews
A pogrom An organised attack on Jews
Anti-Semetism Anti Jews


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