The middle ages 1250-1500


Year 11 History FlashCards sobre The middle ages 1250-1500, criado por chris Gray em 26-11-2017.
chris Gray
FlashCards por chris Gray, atualizado more than 1 year ago
chris Gray
Criado por chris Gray mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What religion were most people in England during medieval times? Catholic
Where did most people get their education from? Church becuse they could not read or write
What was illness seen as? It was seen as a test,sin or punishment from God
What did the church claim for someone who survived a disease? They believed it was a miracle from God
Who made most of the rules? The church
What was the supernatural beliefs to disease It was due to the alignment of planets and stars and they could diagnose illness
Who opposed the beliefs of the supernatural? church but they did like Galen
What was the rational approach to disease? There were 4 humours and if you were ill, it was because the humours were unbalanced
Who expanded on the theory of 4 humours and what was it called Galen expanded on the theory to create the theory of opposites
What is miasma and which two people wrote about this? masma was a bad air that Galen and Hippocrates believed could transmitted disease
How did people prevent miasma? They would stay away from smelling houses or smelling people in case they breathed in bad miasma
What were urine samples used for and who used them? Physicians used to use urine charts to make their diagnosis. They believed that it was the best way to check the four humours.
How did the churh cure people? The church held prayers, pilgrimages,offerings and flagerlated in order for God to cure the ill person.
How did the supernatural cure people? They cured them through herbal remedies, cutting veins, leaches and cupping.
How did the church prevent disease and care for the sick? They believed that the best way to prevent disesse was to lead a life away from sin. If ill they held prayers, confession and titches to stoo disease.
How did they prevent disease through diet Humours were thought to be produced by digestion and therefore what u ate prevented your humours from becoming unbalanced. People therefore made themselves throw up in order to keep their humours even
How did they prevent disease through hygiene? The regime santis was a loose set of rules that was used to keep homes and people clean.
How did they prevent disease through purifying the air? They spread swert herbs to purify the air and it was hidden jewellery
Describe the use and conditions in hospitals during the medieval times? It was religious and run by nuns, who kept the hospitals clean and safe. They were run on charitable donations and the rich often were cared in the homes. They were good at getting the sick all into one place and said a cure was a miracle from God.
Renaissance Renaissance
How has the ideas about the causes of disesse and illness changed? The government were now strong and rich, which meant people could now afford doctors. New artists helped medicine by making more detailed studys of the body. Univercities began to teach medicine and new medicines were being brought back from America.
Explain how Thomas syndenham moved science away from the old theories and what did he discover? Thomas Sydenham moved science away through making detailed notes and by doing this discovered measles and Scarlet feaver.
What was a huge change in the copying of books in the renaissance? How did this help medicine? The printing press. This was a huge change because originally they would hsve been copied up by monks and anything that went against the church wouldnt be published. The printing press allowed people to question old theories.
When was the Royal Society set up and how did this help medicine? The Royal society was set up in 1660 and helped scientists to share and get help with their work in one book. This helped medicine and was given a royal charter.
Name two changes to treatment in the renaissance times. New remedies began to look at chemical cures others are available
Explain two things that continued into the renaissance period. bleeding purgine ect sweating was still encouraged to stop disease
Explain one change in the prevention of disease renaissance period? bathing had become a lot less fashionable.
Give two continuitys in preventing disease? preventing disease wss still considered to be the best way of avoiding death. cleanliness was also important
Name two continuations in medical care? most still learnt from books still hard to get hold of fresh corpses.
Name two changes in medical care? new subjects education for both types of medical professions increased considersbly.
How did hospitals change in the renaissance? They were now run by physicians and other medical people. Religious sponsors were banned.
How did pest houses change in the renaissance. They became a place were rejects from hospitals were taken becsue the hospital did not want contagious people
Who was Andreas Vesalius? Vesalius proved Galen wrong. He proved many things of Galen wrong such as the liver was proved to not make blood and that the heart pumped blood around the body. Made detailed paintings.
Who was William Harvey and what did he do? He was a royal doctor and tought his pupils through disections. He influenced people through fire hoses and proved Galens theory about then liver and it not pumping blood.


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