Thomas Cromwell: Rise to Power


Year 11 History (Henry VIII and his ministers) FlashCards sobre Thomas Cromwell: Rise to Power, criado por Sarah Slee em 02-06-2018.
Sarah Slee
FlashCards por Sarah Slee, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Sarah Slee
Criado por Sarah Slee quase 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
How was Cromwell's upbringing similar to Wolsey's? He was born in Putney, had no glamour and little promise for success
What did he do in his early career? 1503, joined the French army against Spain but deserted them and moved to Florence. He lived in the heart of the Renaissance and grew a love for art, literature and music. 1514 returned to England and married wealthy Elizabeth Wyckes and knew more about business and legal matters
When did he become a member of Wolsey's Council? 1519 In 1529 he was his most trusted adviser
How did this help in the next stage of his life? He took on high profile legal cases and was heard in the Star Chamber, was frequently sent to tell news to the king and in 1523 he became a Member of Parliament
What was his personality like? He had good concentration, was intelligent and determined. He was warm, interesting and used his personality to win people over. A good and loyal friend.
Name the timeline of his "jobs" 1519= member of Wolsey's Council 1523= MP for first time 1529= MP for Taunton, Wolsey's most trusted adviser 1531= appointed to Royal Council, started working on Henry's divorce 1532= appointed Master of the King's Jewels, gaining access to king's private rooms 1533= Henry's Chief Minister. Chancellor of the Exchequer. Master of the Rolls
What was one of the main reasons Cromwell rose to power? He succeeded where Wolsey did not


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