Body Systems Flashcards and organ functions


FlashCards sobre Body Systems Flashcards and organ functions, criado por Mac // em 30-05-2016.
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FlashCards por Mac //, atualizado more than 1 year ago
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Criado por Mac // quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
The gall bladder...? (function) The gall bladder stores bile.
The kidney...? The kidney filters blood of wastes
The protease enzyme...? The protease enzyme breaks down proteins
The plasma (in blood) contains...? The plasma contains water, wastes, ions, nutrients and hormones.
The four chambers of the heart are the...? The four chambers of the heart are the right and left ventricles and atriums.
The epiglottis...? (what it is, function) The epiglottis is a flap that covers the trachea, preventing food from entering it.
The diaphragm...? (what it is & function) The diaphragm, a band of muscle, expands and contracts the lung cavity and changes the pressure inside, causing inhalation and exhalation.
Intercostal muscles are...? The muscles inside the rib cage, surrounding the lungs, that aid with inhalation and exhalation.
What is respiration? The reaction occurring in cells, using glucose and oxygen to produce energy.
What is the chemical equation for respiration? or Oxygen + Glucose ==== Water, Carbon Dioxide and energy.
What is the main vein entering the heart? The vena cava.
How many valves are there in the heart? 4 valves. The mitral, bicuspid (AV) & the aortic, pulmonary (SL).
This card proudly made by Oliver Dowzer
What substances are excreted through the skin? Urea, excess salts and excess water.
What is the main chemical in urea/urine? Ammonia
The pancreas produces...? All three enzymes
Which enzyme is produced in salivary glands? Amylase
What is peristalsis? The muscular squeezing process of the oesophagus that moves food down to the stomach.


Função Polinomial do 1º Grau
Divisão Monômio por Polinômio
Princípios da Química
Assistência de Enfermagem
Caíque Jordan
Informática conhecimentos básicos
Projeto Med 2015: História e Geografia
Luiza Donatelli
Tecido Epitelial
Gustavo Bueno
Tipos: Reprodução
Andrea Barreto M. Da Poça