4 ‘Italian unification was more a victory for Piedmont’s power than for nationalism.’ How far do you


A level History Mapa Mental sobre 4 ‘Italian unification was more a victory for Piedmont’s power than for nationalism.’ How far do you, criado por bobin27_ em 17-07-2013.
Mapa Mental por bobin27_, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por bobin27_ quase 11 anos atrás

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4 ‘Italian unification was more a victory for Piedmont’s power than for nationalism.’ How far do you
  1. Piedmont was the only state in italy free of outside control
    1. They all had the same culture
      1. piedmonts poer did grow as they were teh central power in gaining unification
        1. Cavour
          1. mazzini


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