Egyptians Medicine


AS Level GCSE Stuff Mapa Mental sobre Egyptians Medicine, criado por hollyweber em 20-10-2013.
Mapa Mental por hollyweber, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por hollyweber mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Egyptians Medicine
  1. The river Nile
    1. Every year Nile would flood and fertilize the fields
      1. Provided water for irrigation
        1. Doctors got ideas from Nile (channels)
          1. Barges on Nile enabled fairly swift transportation of herbs and plants (for medicine) from India, China and parts of Africa
          2. Improved writing
            1. Ideas could be recorded and communicated better
              1. Papyrus= paper made from reeds
                1. Had a lot of time to read and write
                  1. Priests kept 'Books of Thoth': contained treatments and spells
                  2. How did they think disease was caused?
                    1. Channels in body which carried blood, air and water- these could get blocked
                      1. Rotting (undigested) food in bowels would give off gases which would seep around body
                      2. Who treated the sick?
                        1. Master physicians
                          1. Priests (magicians)
                          2. Why did they know about the body?
                            1. Heart, pulse, liver, brain, lungs and blood
                              1. Did not understand proper roles of these parts
                            2. How did religion limit medicine?
                              1. Believed destroying someone's body meant they wouldn't go into afterlife


                              Línea de Tiempo
                              Juan Ponce
                              Antiguo Régimen vs Estado Moderno
                              Juliana Pulido
                              Ambroise Paré
                              William Harvey
                              Andreas Vesalius
                              Greek Medicine
                              Prehistoric Medicine
                              Roman Medicine
                              GCSE History of Medicine: Key Individuals
                              James McConnell
                              History - Medicine through Time
                              Alice Love
                              History- Medicine through time key figures