The Golden age of Weimar 1924-1929


AS History Mapa Mental sobre The Golden age of Weimar 1924-1929, criado por hedifern em 13-04-2014.
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Resumo de Recurso

The Golden age of Weimar 1924-1929
  1. Improved International Relations!
    1. Germany was allowed to join the League of Nations.
      1. Germany reclaimed the Ruhr.
        1. Locarno treaties !
        2. Greater Political Stability.
          1. no rebellions
            1. 4 chancellors during Three years.
              1. co-operation from the oposition
                1. Nazi gained less than 3% of the votes
                2. Cultural/Artistic Revival
                  1. constitution allowed free expressions
                    1. new ideas in paintings (real life)
                      1. new buildings - bauhaus
                      2. cinema became popular
                        1. Cabaret sing about government
                        2. writers / poets - berlin
                        3. Greater Economic Stability
                          1. production back to 1914 , levels out.
                            1. reparations spread over a longer time period.
                              1. dawes plan
                                1. young plan
                                2. reformed currency
                                  1. increased welfare benefits
                                    1. end of passive resistance


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