Patient care in the medieval period (1066 - 1500)


For those studying the medicine course for GSCE in history.
Morgan Stevens
Quiz by Morgan Stevens, updated more than 1 year ago
Morgan Stevens
Created by Morgan Stevens over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

What helped with patient care during the medieval times? (1066 - 1500)
  • Monastries
  • Churches
  • Nothing

Question 2

Which one of these describes a Leper hospital? (Medieval period).
  • Special hospitals were set up on the out skirts of towns to stop leprosy from spreading. Many patients were forced to wear special clothing.
  • An equivalent to a modern day care home. Offered shelter but no treatment. Took in widows, pregnant women and small children. They were Considered very small.
  • Basic are but no treatment. Run and paid for by the church. They mostly concentrated on the spiritual side of health rather than physically. They prayed and confessed their sins in hope to go to heaven.

Question 3

What best describes Almshouses?
  • These were paid and owned by the church. They mostly focused on the spiritual side of health and confessed their sins through praying, hoping that it would get them into heaven.
  • An equivalent to a modern day care home. Offered shelter but no treatment. Took in widows, pregnant women and small children. They were Considered very small.
  • Special hospitals were set up on the out skirts of towns to stop leprosy from spreading. Many patients were forced to wear special clothing.

Question 4

What best describes a Christian Church?
  • Special hospitals were set up on the out skirts of towns to stop leprosy from spreading. Many patients were forced to wear special clothing.
  • The equivalent to a modern day care home. They took in elders, pregnant women, widows and small children. Gave no treatment and basic care.
  • Basic are but no treatment. Run and paid for by the church. They mostly concentrated on the spiritual side of health rather than physically. They prayed and confessed their sins in hope to go to heaven.
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