2016 Black History Month Bio Quiz


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Quiz by hsiegel, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by hsiegel over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

1. How many of Thurgood Marshall’s 98 majority decisions while sitting on the Second Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals were ever reversed by the U.S. Supreme Court?
  • 5
  • 1
  • 3
  • 0

Question 2

2. What role did Malcom X want to move black citizens away from?
  • A. Being subservient
  • B. Being under educated
  • C. Being demonstrative
  • D. Being disinterested

Question 3

3. In addition to escaping a life of slavery, publishing his memoirs, and persuading president Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation; Frederick Douglass was a strong supporter of what other movement?
  • A. Religious tolerance and freedom
  • B. Native American rights
  • C. Free Trade
  • D. Women’s Rights

Question 4

4. Which of the following are true about Jackie Robinson:
  • A. He was a four sport letterman in high school and a WWII veteran.
  • B. He attended UCLA, was an Army veteran, and a father of three.
  • C. He was a Air Force pilot and won the MLB batting title 5 times.
  • D. He was a five time World Series MVP and later became a doctor after retiring from baseball.

Question 5

5. Harriet Tubman helped over 300 souls to freedom from the southern U.S. to what area?
  • A. New York
  • B. Virginia
  • C. Illinois
  • D. Canada

Question 6

6. Minnesota’s U.S. representative (Fifth District) Keith Ellison was instrumental in which legislative bill?
  • A. Credit Cardholder’s Bill of Rights- limiting lender increase in rates after an initial late payment with another lender.
  • B. Free Bird Act- legislation to support the unfettered migration of Ducks and other sporting birds.
  • C. Universal Pre-school Initiative- legislation design to allow pre-school to be affordable and attainable to any interested families.
  • D. Healthy Lunch Standards- legislation directed to set nutrition standards for public school lunches.

Question 7

Sidney Poitier was knighted in Great Britain for his accomplishments and contributions to British culture.
  • True
  • False

Question 8

8. Halle Berry is the first woman of color to receive an Academy Award for Best Actress, for which film did she receive this honor.
  • A. Frankie and Alice
  • B. Monster’s Ball
  • C. Die Another Day
  • D. Things We Lost In The Fire

Question 9

Madame CJ Walker was the first female self-made millionaire, she made her fortune via which avenue?
  • Founder of "Secretary Now", an agency that coordinated temporary workers.
  • Designing and distributing beauty products for African American Women.
  • Inventing peanut butter.
  • Marketing and selling laundry detergent.

Question 10

The NAACP, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, turn ? on Feb. 12, 2009?
  • 50
  • 150
  • 100
  • 25
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