World History Midterm Review I


World History Midterm Review from the Renaissance to the French Revolution
K. Asher
Quiz by K. Asher, updated more than 1 year ago
K. Asher
Created by K. Asher over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Question 1

What was the name of the family who's hereditary lands included Austria, Hungary and Bohemia?
  • Tudor
  • Hohenzollen
  • Medici
  • Habsburg

Question 2

Renaissance artist who was responsible for sculpting the statue in the picture.
  • Michelangelo
  • Da Vinci
  • Raphael
  • Durer

Question 3

One of the causes of the Reformation was when Pope Leo X hired [blank_start]Tetzel[blank_end] to sell indulgences.
  • Tetzel

Question 4

The person who painted the picture to the right was [blank_start]Da Vinci.[blank_end] The name of the picture is the [blank_start]Mona Lisa[blank_end]
  • Da Vinci
  • Mona Lisa

Question 5

[blank_start]Brandenburg-Prussia[blank_end] was controlled by the Hohenzollern family.
  • Brandenburg-Prussia
  • Russia
  • Austria
  • The Holy Roman Empire

Question 6

[blank_start]Frederick William I[blank_end] was the Prussian leader who took power in 1713. He would make Prussia's army the most efficient fighting force in Europe and make Prussian society more militaristic. He was known as the [blank_start]Soldier King[blank_end].
  • Frederick William I
  • Soldier King

Question 7

[blank_start]Philip II[blank_end] was the King of Spain who declared war on England.
  • Philip II

Question 8

Who is the person depicted in the picture?
  • Peter the Great
  • Frederick the Great
  • Frederick William II

Question 9

In order to modernize Russia, [blank_start]Peter the Great[blank_end] forced the nobility to shave their beards and wear western clothing.
  • Peter the Great
  • Frederick the Great
  • Frederick William II
  • Catherine the Great

Question 10

After he was banished from Holy Roman Empire and his work banned, [blank_start]Martin Luther[blank_end] went into hiding and protected by [blank_start]Frederick the Wise[blank_end]. While in hiding, [blank_start]he translated the Bible into German.[blank_end]
  • Martin Luther
  • John Calvin
  • Johann Tetzell
  • Galileo
  • Frederick the Wise
  • Leo X
  • Henry VIII
  • Charles V
  • Philip II
  • he translated the Bible into German.
  • he began Calvinism
  • his work was put on the Index
  • he was summoned to the Diet of Worms
  • he was excommunicated

Question 11

[blank_start]Elizabeth I[blank_end] changed England back to [blank_start]Protestant[blank_end] nation which would eventually lead to [blank_start]Philip II[blank_end] to build the Spanish Armada to invade England
  • Elizabeth I
  • Mary I
  • Henry VIII
  • Charles V
  • Protestant
  • Catholic
  • Calvinist
  • Puritian
  • Philip II
  • Charles V
  • Leo X
  • Paul III

Question 12

[blank_start]Frederick William[blank_end] was known as the [blank_start]Great Elector[blank_end]. He began to rebuild and strengthen his country by setting up the General War Commissariat, which helped govern [blank_start]Brandenburg-Prussia[blank_end]. He also reorganized his armies, improved tax collection as well as encouraged agriculture and industry
  • Frederick William
  • Frederick William I
  • Frederick I
  • Frederick II
  • Brandenburg-Prussia
  • Russia
  • Austria
  • the Holy Roman Empire
  • Great Elector
  • Soldier King
  • Great
  • Holy Roman Emperor

Question 13

In 1740 the Prussian king, [blank_start]Frederick II[blank_end], broke the Pragmatic Sanction by invading an Austrian province known as Silesia. The province was controlled by the Habsburg ruler known as [blank_start]Maria Theresa[blank_end]. This action started the [blank_start]War of Austrian Succession[blank_end]. As a result of this war, [blank_start]Prussia gained Silesia[blank_end].
  • Frederick II
  • Frederick William II
  • Richelieu
  • Louis XIII
  • Maria Theresa
  • Marie Antoinette
  • Elizabeth I
  • Charles V
  • Louis XIII
  • War of Austrian Succession
  • Thirty Years' War
  • War of Spanish Succession
  • Reformation
  • Prussia gained Silesia
  • Austria defeated Prussia
  • Prussia gained access to the Baltic Sea
  • Richelieu declared war on Prussia
  • Frederick William
  • Seven Years' War

Question 14

Richelieu helped strengthen the French king, [blank_start]Louis III[blank_end], by going to war with [blank_start]Habsburg[blank_end] family. This Austrian family controlled the Holy Roman Empire. The war was known as [blank_start]Thirty Years' War[blank_end].
  • Louis III
  • Henry IV
  • Louis XIV
  • Louis XVI
  • Habsburg
  • Hohenzollen
  • Tudor
  • Bourbon
  • Medici
  • Thirty Years' War
  • War of Austrian Succession
  • War of Spanish Succession
  • Seven Years' War
  • Invasion of the Spanish Armada

Question 15

Identify the explorer who's voyage is depicted in the map below.
  • Da Gama
  • Dias
  • Magellan
  • Cabral
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