eSafety and eResponsibility


Slide Set on eSafety and eResponsibility, created by eTwinning Project on 28/10/2018.
eTwinning Project
Slide Set by eTwinning Project, updated more than 1 year ago
eTwinning Project
Created by eTwinning Project almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Images you can use:
    You can find pictures with CC0 lincense here: . . . 
    If you want to use pictures/images, you have to find these licensed under Creative Commons Zero which means you can copy, modify, distribute and use the photo for free, including commercial purposes, without asking permission from or providing attribution to the author.

Slide 2

    Images you can use:
    Current regulations differentiate between two types of images: Those where people are the main focus of the picture and those where activities are the main focus. Where people are the main focus of the picture you must always have permission from all those person who, directly or indirectly, can be identified on the images before you forward them to someone or publish them.  If the situation or activity depicted constitutes the main focus of the photo and the persons on the photo are less important, the photo may be published without permission, provided it is not offensive or harmful to the persons depicted.  You must therefore remember: To ask permission and be given an explicit YES every time before you share pictures of one or more specific persons, to be sure that you don't do anything wrong. But a yes given once does not last forever. If the person in question changes his or her mind later on, it is your duty to help remove the picture.

Slide 3

    Internet safety and privacy
    Think about what you publish about yourself. Think extra carefully about what you publish about others and always ask first. Be aware that everything you do online can be seen by others. Be aware of what information has been published about you online.  Take care of your  password security.      

Slide 4

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