Differences between America and Russia!!!


These are some information about differences between America and Russia. These would help you get full marks when describing the differences between America and Russia. Add me asa friend if anyone needs help and i ca only help people that is same age as me or younger.
Slide Set by celiklucy, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by celiklucy about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    America:1. The richest country in the world.2. A democracy with free elections, led by an elected president.3. Freedom of discussion and belief.4. Capitalism - private property and the right to make money.5. Led by Truman, who believed that Communism was unpleasant.6. Had the atomic bomb- but was scared of Russia's current army.7. Feared the spread of communism throughout the world.
    Differences between America and Russia!!!.
    Russia:1. The biggest country in the world.2. A one-party state led by a dictator. There were elections, but you could only vote for the Communist Party.3.State control: censorship, secret police, terror and purges.4. Communism - state ownership of the means of production, and the belief that wealth should be shared.5. Led by Stalin, who believed that capitalism was vicious.6. Had the vast army in the world - but was angry that Truman had not warned that he was going to drop the atomic bomb. 7. Was furious because America and Britain had invaded Russia in 1918-19 to try to destroy communism.
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