Pasta with Tuna


Receipt that will explain how to cook pasta with tuna
Lorenzo Gaspari
Slide Set by Lorenzo Gaspari, updated more than 1 year ago
Lorenzo Gaspari
Created by Lorenzo Gaspari about 7 years ago

Resource summary

Slide 1

    Caption: : PASTA CON IL TONNO
    Hello students and welcome, this is a short tutorial that will explain you hot to cook a really tasty italian pasta called "pasta con il tonno" (tuna pasta). You will need: onion pasta tuna in a can tomato sauce parsley salt and pepper

Slide 3

          In a pan, put a little bit of oil, chopped onions and a little of parsley. Stir fry everything together and when the onions starts to became gold, put in the pan a little bit of white wine.  
    Stir fry onions

Slide 4

            After the wine evaporated, put the tuna in the pan and let it cook for few minutes (2-3).
    Add tuna

Slide 5

    Add tomato sauce
          Add tomato sauce in the pan. Put a good bit of it but do not exagerate. Then let everything cook for 20 minutes with medium to low fire.

Slide 6

        Cook you pasta in a pot. When the water boil, put salt and let it melt. after few minutes add the pasta. On the cover of the pasta read how long it will take and let it cook for 1 minute less than that time.
    Cook your pasta

Slide 7

        When it is ready drain the pasta from the water and mix it wit the tuna and tomato sauce. Stir fry everything for 2 minutes.  Than put it in a plate and serve, your pasta is ready!!  Buon appetito!!
    In the end...
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