Hungary uprising, korean war and cuban missile crisis


Notiz am Hungary uprising, korean war and cuban missile crisis, erstellt von georgiabooth620 am 08/12/2014.
Notiz von georgiabooth620, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von georgiabooth620 vor mehr als 9 Jahre

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Hungary Uprising 1956

Causes  De-stalinisation- Stalin dies in 1953, turning point in the cold war - secret speech Nagys programme of reform

Events  In November 1956 200,000 soviet troops were sent to Hungary to crush the new government Students rioted and attacked Soviet troops with petrol bombs and grenades

Effects  The international reaction- America failing to send in military help Reasserting Soviet Control- Kadar published his Fifteen-point programme setting out new government direction

Korean War 1950 -53 

Causes  Divide between Communist North & Capitalist South Truman Doctrine of containment

Events North Korea starts to fight South Korea and almost defeats them  South Korea then fight back and they both settle in the middle

Effects  USA committed to containing communism  USSR and China now working to expand communism 

Cuban Missile Crisis 1962

Causes  Cuban revolution makes them communist and allied to the USSR missiles placed on Cuba

Events The Americans blockaded Cuba, stopping USSR ships entering American U2 spy plane shot down over Cuba

Effects Hotline Relations improve- less tense 

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