Progressivism Vocab


Karteikarten am Progressivism Vocab, erstellt von AARON LACEY am 08/10/2018.
Karteikarten von AARON LACEY, aktualisiert more than 1 year ago
Erstellt von AARON LACEY vor mehr als 5 Jahre

Zusammenfassung der Ressource

Frage Antworten
Tenements Slum apartments in cities Example: the apartment they live in in The Jungle
Graft Political corruption to gain money Example: taking bribes
Reform To change for the better Example: Passing the "meat inspection act"
Populism More power to ordinary people Example: 17th amendment allows for the direct election of senators
Progressivism Fixing society with government change Example: passing the prohibition of alcohol (18th amendment)
Americanization Immigrants learning to be "American"
Public Education Government run schools Example: Lancaster City Schools
Environmental Regulations Laws about how environment's treated Example: It's illegal to dump waste from your factory into rivers
Conservation Protecting and preserving the environment Example: President Teddy Roosevelt established many national parks and protected wilderness areas
Suffrage The right to vote
Susan B. Anthony Fought for women's rights (especially voting)
19th Amendment Granted women the right to vote
Sherman Antitrust Act Anti-monopoly law from 1890
Clayton Antitrust Act Stopped Monopolies merging & helped labor unions
Muckrakers Journalists who exposed wrongdoing Example: Upton Sinclair (wrote The Jungle)
Theodore Roosevelt Progressive President: fought for conservation
Federal Reserve System Central Bank created to protect banks from failing
Sixteenth Amendment Allowed income tax
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