Crime and Punishment Modern England


law enforcement and crimes from the 1900 to modern day
Evie Russell
Flashcards by Evie Russell, updated more than 1 year ago
Evie Russell
Created by Evie Russell over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Homophobic Crime Homosexuality was illegal until the 1967 Sexual Offences Act
Race Crime In the 1950s, more people from Commonwealth countries moved to Britain. In 1968 the Race Relations Act made it illegal for people to refuse people of jobs, houses and public services for their race or religion
Domestic Violence The Domestic Violence Act of 1976 allowed victims of violence injunction against violent partners. In 1991, rape in marriage became recognised.
Abortion Abortion was illegal until 1967 which legalised abortion if mother or child was at risk.
Copyright Downloading games, apps, movies, music etc. from the internet
Drink Driving and speeding In 1872, it was illegal to ride a horse drawn carriage drunk. In 1925, it was illegal to drive whilst drunk. In 1967, the max limit for alcohol consumption was set.
Drugs 1971 Misuse of Drugs Act made some drugs illegal. Some argued that drugs is a personal choice but others say it would stop other crimes like drug dealing.
Terrorism The use of intimidation and fear to publicise a political cause. Not a new crime as there was the 17th century Gunpowder plot.
People Trafficking Smuggling people into the country to work for low pay or prostitution. In the 19th century, poor girls were sold for prostitution.
Fraud Impersonating people to make money illegally and done using hoax mail etc.
Extortion Threatening people to pay money.
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