HY3 - Deddfau (1)


AS level History Flashcards on HY3 - Deddfau (1), created by Nerys Davies on 04/06/2018.
Nerys Davies
Flashcards by Nerys Davies, updated more than 1 year ago
Nerys Davies
Created by Nerys Davies almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
Deddf Diddymu Hawliau Pabyddion 1778
Deddf Habeas Corpus 1794
Deddf Gwrthryfel 1796
Deddf Treth Incwm 1797
Deddf Uno 1800
Deddf Ŷd 1815
Cyfraith Hela Newydd 1816
Deddf Y Tlodion 1834
Deddf Degwm 1836
Deddf Cwnstabliaid Plwyf 1842
Deddf Tollbyrth 1844
Deddf Rheoleiddio Pyllau Glo 1860
Deddf Undebau Llafur 1871
Deddf Diwygio Cyfraith Trosedd 1871
Deddf Prifysgol 1871
Deddf Oriau Gwaith 1874
Deddf Cynllwyn Ac Amddiffyn Eiddo 1875
Deddf Ail Ddosbarthu Gladstone 1885
Dileu Treth Incwm 1816
Deddf Rhyddfreinio Pabyddion 1829
Deddf Diwygio’r Senedd Cyntaf (Earl Grey) 1832
Mesur Diwygio Gladstone 1866
Deddf Diwygio Disraeli 1867
Proclomasiwn Brenhinol 1792
Deddf Dugel (pleidlais gudd) 1872
Deddf Arferion Llwgr 1883
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