

Flashcards on EG_R05_L70, created by Nariman Rizk on 15/02/2023.
Nariman Rizk
Flashcards by Nariman Rizk , updated more than 1 year ago
Nariman Rizk
Created by Nariman Rizk over 1 year ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
عقبالك same to you
كل حاجة في وقتها حلوه everything in its own time is good
ربنا يسهّل we'll see
الله يكون في عونهم Poor guys! ( may God help them)
دخله محدود his income is limited
يكوّن أسرة make a family
يتشرّطوا they are too demanding
متطلبات الحياة life necessities
الظروف المادية financial conditions
قرار الجواز marriage decision
العزوف عن الجواز aversion to marriage
المؤسسات الاجتماعية social institutions
العنوسة spinsterhood
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