Quit India Movement


A level Edexcel India 1914-48 Flashcards on Quit India Movement, created by Tom Lea on 15/05/2014.
Tom Lea
Flashcards by Tom Lea, updated more than 1 year ago
Tom Lea
Created by Tom Lea about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Question Answer
When was the Quit India Movement? 1942
What caused the Quit India Movement? The Failure of the Cripps Mission
How did the British crush the Quit India Movement? Violently. 52 Battalions used, machine gunned crowds, public whippings, burned villages, Congress leaders arrested.
What famous quotes from Gandhi show the extreme nature of the Quit India Movement? 'Do or die for nothing less than freedom' and 'Leave India to God. If that is too much leave her to anarchy.'
What actions did the Indian's take during the Quit India Movement? Unrest, arson, sabotage. Hartals (strikes) The first in Dehli led to arson and the killing of 14 by police. Leader of Congress Socialist Party planned to seize Dehli in a guerrilla war.
How long did it take for the British to control the movement? Not long - approx. 6weeks. All over by end of 1942
Who led the British crackdown? Viceroy Linlithgow.
What was the impact of the Quit India Movement? Showed again Congress' ability to control mass opinion in India. Showed lack of support for British rule. Made Britain more likely to move towards independence post war. Made it clear keeping Linlithgow as viceroy woul dbe very unpopular - Wavell becomes viceroy in Oct 1943
What did the British do to Gandhi during Quit India and why? Arrested him but kept him in the Aga Kahn's Palace. Wanted to ensure he could not be seen as a martyr and increase his support.
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