How to create an email


Paso 1: Abre el navegador que usas normalmente. Allí, en la barra de direcciones, escribe la siguiente URL o dirección web:
Kevin Coronel Adorno
Mind Map by Kevin Coronel Adorno, updated more than 1 year ago
Kevin Coronel Adorno
Created by Kevin Coronel Adorno over 6 years ago

Resource summary

How to create an email
  1. Step 1: Open the browser you normally use. There, in the address bar, type the following URL or web address:
    1. Step 2: Once you open the main Gmail page, click the Create an account option, located below the login box. Immediately a new page will open with the form that you must fill out to register in Gmail.
      1. Step 3: Write your full name in the blanks and remember that to write the data that you are asked for, you must click on them.
        1. Step 4: Type the name you want to give to your email account, in the Username field. For example:,, etc. Also, you can write your own name to be easily identified by your contacts.
          1. Step 5 In the Password field, type a word that works as your secret key and retype it in the Confirm your password space.
            1. Step 6: Then, write your date of birth and sex in the corresponding spaces.
              1. Step 7: You will see a captcha, which is a system that recognizes and differentiates between a human and a machine. In the "Write the text" field, type the numbers that show you, exactly. If you can not identify what you see, click the refresh button as many times as you want, to try a different image. Another option for the captcha, is to listen to what you see.
                1. Step 8 In the Location box, specify your country of residence.
                  1. Step 9: To finish, click to accept Google's privacy and service policies.
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