Biological Aggression


Psychology (Aggression) Mind Map on Biological Aggression, created by lucysavage176 on 06/06/2013.
Mind Map by lucysavage176, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lucysavage176 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Biological Aggression
  1. Neural
    1. dopamine
      1. increase maybe=aggression
        1. may be rewarding
          1. so seek out aggressive encounters
            1. produces dopamine
          2. difficult to establish link
            1. dopamine antagonists reduce dopamine
              1. reduce aggressive behaviour
              2. turn off dopamine in mice
              3. seratonin
                1. decrease=aggression
                  1. dexfenfluramine depletes
                    1. seratonin metabolism
                      1. not levels
                        1. increaced receptors
                          1. more violent suicide
                        2. low amounts of waste product in aggressive people
                        3. rat fight every day for 10 days
                          1. Ferrari et al
                        4. Hormonal
                          1. tesosterone
                            1. dominance link
                              1. makes aggression more likely
                                1. inconsistant evidence
                                2. challenge hypothesis
                                  1. testosterone rises in social situations
                                  2. +in older people
                                    1. 208 men
                                      1. enhance vigor and energy
                                      2. gender bias
                                        1. Book et al
                                          1. meta analysis
                                          2. no sd between violent and non violent offenders
                                          3. cortisol
                                            1. lower levels=highter levels of aggression
                                              1. violent offenders
                                              2. may inhibit aggression
                                                1. inconsistant evidence
                                              3. Genetic
                                                1. MAOA
                                                  1. warrior gene
                                                    1. breaks down serotonin and dopamine
                                                      1. Brunner
                                                        1. men with defect gene
                                                          1. family history of aggression
                                                            1. tested urine
                                                              1. lots of neurotransmitter
                                                                1. not much MAOA waste
                                                                2. environmental factors?
                                                        2. twin+adoption studys
                                                          1. feelings of abandonment
                                                            1. + offender treatment
                                                            2. 40%
                                                              1. difficult to seporate nature and nurture
                                                                1. MZ twins
                                                                  1. gene and environment interaction
                                                                  2. 87% MZ
                                                                    1. treated as one
                                                                    2. 72% DZ
                                                                      1. measure antisocial behaviour
                                                                        1. not aggression
                                                                        2. self report
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                                                                        Aggression Key Points
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