1913 Strike and Lockout


History (Movements For Reform) Mind Map on 1913 Strike and Lockout, created by Caroline Allen on 30/12/2013.
Caroline Allen
Mind Map by Caroline Allen, updated more than 1 year ago
Caroline Allen
Created by Caroline Allen over 10 years ago

Resource summary

1913 Strike and Lockout
  1. During the period 1870-1914 which was more successful, land agitation or the 1913 Strike and Lockout?
    1. How effectively did James Larkin seek improvents for workers?
      1. Socialism was slow to develop in Ireland was never very successful
        1. The workers lost the battle but it could be argued that they won the war
          1. Opposition
            1. Sympathy
            2. To what extent was the Dublin strike and lockout 1913 a success or failure?
              1. A dearly bought triumph for William Martin Murphy
              2. What were the problems facing Ireland's urban poor and what attempts were made to solve them in the period up to 1914?
                1. Could not afford to rent decent houses
                  1. Decaying tenement houses
                    1. Only 26% of Dublin families had a house all to themselves in the 1880s
                  2. Did not earn enough to buy healthy food
                    1. Suffered from dieseases and malnutrition
                      1. Sewage and water were often close together
                        1. TB, measles and typhoid were common
                    2. Dublin Corporation
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